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Results - 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012

Extreme Mule Challenge

1st - John Paul Harrison
2nd - Bobby Johnson
3rd - Mike Kilmer
4th - Clint Thomas


Class #1 Coon Mule Jump 54" and Under

1st - Kierston Schulze / Jenny
2nd - Jared Thomas / Kippy
T-3rd - Corey Franklin / Ol Bessie
T-3rd - Scott Little / Earl
T-3rd - Madison Iager /Gato Geta Blue


Class #2 Coon Mule Jump Over 54"

1st - Clint Thomas / Dolly
2nd - Richard Greene / Abby
3rd - Karen Shaffer / Nobel Steed
T -4th - Toby Gibbons / Amos
T-4th - Peggy Savage / Bowregard
6th - Cecilia Winkler / Lone Star Blossom


Class #3 Liberty Race

1st - Jeff Winkler / Blossom
2nd - Jason Appel / Pard
3rd - Clint Thomas / Dolly
4th - Holly Frey / CanCan
5th - Carol South / Poker
6th - Corey Franklin / Bessie

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Class #4 Youth Molly Mule Halter

1st - Miranda Iager/Four Acres Mattie Mae
2nd - Julie Thomas / Dolly
3rd - Cecilia Winkler/Lone Star Blossom
4th - Riley Troppman / Josie
5th - Jim Bob Schultz / Weezie
6th - Ava Fogle / Lexi


Class #5 Youth John Mule Halter

1st - Madison Iager / Gato Geta Blue
2nd - Julie Thomas / Hawkeye
3rd - Ella Peters/Buddy
4th - Jared Thomas / Kippy
5th - Morgan Ann Murray / Sampson


Class #6 Adult Molly Mule Halter

1st - Heather Greenstone / Majestic Desert
2nd - Mike Kilmer / Lucy
3rd - Amanda Kraus / Molly
4th - Jim Schultz / Music
5th - Rob South / Keno
6th - Bob Slauterback / Izzy


Class #7 Adult John Mule Halter 

1st - Lexi Winkler / Red Rooster
2nd - Toby Gibbons / Amos
3rd - Carole South / Cowboy
4th - Sharon Huskey / Shadow
5th - Kiersten Schulze / Henry
6th - Carole South / Poker


Class #8 Draft Mule Halter

1st - Jay Weinrich / Jane
2nd - Gwen Kackly / Gus


Class #9 Donkey Halter

1st - Harrison Iager / Pauline
2nd - Miranda Iager / Mistletoe
3rd - Christy Thomas / Major Bad Ass


Class #10 Leadline (9 & Under)

1st - Riley Troppman / Buddy
2nd - Anders Frey / CanCan
3rd - Alyssa Costa/Abbie
4th - Dominic Trimarche - Gato Geta Blue
5th - Lauren Wiley / Breezy
6th - Mikayla Derr / Molly


Class #11 Child Walk (9 & Under)

1st - Riley Troppman / Buddy
2nd - Ava Fogle / Lexi
3rd - Alysa Costa / Pokemon


Class #12 Child Walk/Jog (9 & Under)

1st - Ava Fogle / Lexi
2nd - Riley Troppman / Buddy
3rd - Justine Moore/Pokeymon


Class #13 Youth Hunter Under Saddle (13 & Under)

1st - Miranda Iager/Mattie Mae
2nd - Madison Iager/Gato Geta Blue
3rd - Julie Thomas / Hawkeye
4th - Jared Thomas / Kippy
5th - Harrison Iager / Pauline
6th - Cecilia Winkler/Lone Star Blossom


Class #14 Adult Hunter Under Saddle

1st - Lexi Winkler / Red Rooster
2nd - Heather Greenstone / Majestic Desert
3rd - Toby Gibbon / Amos
4th - Amanda Kraus / Molly
5th - Shanna Bradshaw / Hawkeye


Class #15 Youth Hunt Seat Equitation

1st - Miranda Iager/Four Acres Mattie Mae
2nd - Harrison Iager / Pauline
3rd -Madison Iager / Gato Geta Blue
4th - Cecilia Winkler / Lone Star Blossom
5th - Morgan Murray / Heaven Sent Sampson
6th - Julie Thomas / Hawkeye


Class #16 Adult Hunt Seat Equitation

1st - Heather Greenstone/The Majestic Desert
2nd - Toby Gibbon / Amos
3rd - Shanna Bradshaw / Hawkeye
4th - Lexi Winkler / Red Rooster


Class #17 Youth Western Pleasure

1st - Miranda Iager / Four Acres Mattie Mae
2nd - Madison Iager / Gato Geta Blue
3rd - Harrison Iager / Pauline
4th - Julie Thomas / Hawkeye
5th - Cecilia Winkler/Lone Star Blossom
6th - Carsyn Frey / CanCan


Class #18 Adult Western Pleasure

1st - Bob Slauterback / Izzy
2nd - Lexi Winkler / Red Rooster
3rd - Jolene Hall / Dually
4th - Angela Derr / George
5th - Mike Killmer / Lucy
6th - Rachel Troppman/Josie


Class #19 Old Gray Mule Pleasure

1st - Carole South / Cowboy
2nd - Brian Moore / Abe
3rd - Rob South / Cowly
4th - Jen Moore / Abe
5th - Ted Kerns / Toby
6th - Rex Penick / April


Class #20 Youth Mulemanship (13 & Under)

1st - Miranda Iager/ Four Acres Mattie Mae
2nd - Madison Iager / Gato Geta Blue
3rd - Harrison Iager / Pauline
4th - Cecilia Winkler/Lone Star Blossom
5th - Julie Thomas/Hawkeye
6th - Morgan Murray / Heaven Sent Sampson


Class #21 Adult Mulemanship

1st - Heather Greenstone / The Majestic Desert
2nd - Toby Gibbon / Amos
3rd - Ted Kerns / Toby
4th - Lexi Winkler / Red Rooster
5th - Jolene Hall / Dually
6th - Rachel Troppman / Josie


Class #22 Youth Barrels (13 & Under)

1st - Cecilia Winkler / Lone Star Blossom
2nd - Julie Thomas / Hawkeye
3rd - Carsyn Frey / CanCan
4th - Madison Iager / Gato Geta Blue
5th - Miranda Iager/Four Acres Mattie Mae
6th - Harrison Iager / Pauline


Class #23 Adult Barrels

1st - Mike Kilmer/Jill
2nd - Toby Gibbon / Amos
3rd - Rich Mahoney / Buddy
4th - Holly Frey / CanCan
5th - John Paul Harrison / Jake Too
6th - Rex Penick / April


Class #24 Youth Versatility (13 & Under)

1st - Cecilia Winkler/Lone Star Blossom
2nd - Julie Thomas/Hawkeye
3rd - Carsyn Frey / CanCan
4th - Sammy Wolpin / CanCan
5th - Ella Peters / Lexi
6th - Miranda Iager/Four Acres Mattie Mae


Class #25 Adult Versatility

1st - Mike Kilmer/Jill
2nd - Rachel Troppman/Josie
3rd - Toby Gibbon / Amos
4th - Rich Mahoney/Bud
5th - Rex Penick / April
6th - Brian Moore / Abe


Class #26 Youth Pylon Alley (13 & Under)

1st - Madison Iager / Gato Geto Blue
2nd - Cecilia Winkler / Lone Star Blossom
3rd - Julie Thomas/Hawkeye
4th - Carsyn Frey / CanCan
5th - Sammy Wolpin / CanCan
6th - Miranda Iager/Four Acres Mattie Mae


Class #27 Adult Pylon Alley

1st - Rachel Troppman/Josie
2nd - Mike Kilmer/Jill
3rd - Toby Gibbon / Amos
4th - Rich Mahoney / Buddy
5th - Rex Penick / April
6th - Brian Moore / Abe


Class #28 Monkey in the Tree (All Ages)

1st - Kasey Kuhn
2nd - Mike Kilmer
3rd - Kasey Kuhn & Andrew Shaffer
4th - Kasey Kuhn & Justine Moore
5th - Jeff & Jeffrey Winkler
6th - Kelly Wingate & Ava Fogle

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Class #29 Single Mule Driving

No Entries


Class #30 Youth Poles

1st - Cecilia Winkler / Lone Star Blossom
2nd - Madison Iager / Gato Geta Blue
3rd - Carsyn Frey / CanCan
4th - Julie Thomas / Hawkeye
5th - Jared Thomas / Kippy
6th - Morgan Murray / Heaven Sent Sampson


Class #31 Adult Poles

1st - Rachel Troppman / Josie
2nd - Toby Gibbon / Amos
3rd - Holly Frey / CanCan
4th - Jolene Hall / Dually
5th - Clint Thomas / Dolly
6th - Brittany Snyder / Bud


Class #32 Men's Team Hitch

No Entries


Class #33 Women's Team Hitch

1st - Miranda Iager / Ike & Dan


Class #34 Animal Dress-Up

All Participants were Winners!


Class #35 Youth Ride & Run Race

1st - Cecilia Winkler / Lone Star Blossom
2nd - Jared Thomas / Kippy
3rd - Madison Iager / Gato Geta Blue
4th - Miranda Iager / Four Acres Mattie Mae
5th - Julie Thomas / Hawkeye
6th - Morgan Murray / Heaven Sent Sampson


Class #36 Adult Ride & Run Race

1st - Jeff Winkler / Lone Star Blossom
2nd - Bobby Johnson / Buddy
3rd - Rachel Troppman / Josie
4th - Jolene Hall / Joe
5th - Rich Mahoney / Dixie
6th - Toby Gibbon / Amos


Class #37 Head to Head (All Ages)

1st - Cecilia Winkler / Lonestar Blossom
2nd - Carsyn Frey / CanCan
3rd - Rachel Troppman / Josie
4th - Bobby Johnson / Buddy
5th - Carole South / Poker
6th - Rich Mahony / Bud


Class #38 Youth Field Jump

1st - Madison Iager / Gato Geta Blue
2nd - Cecilia Winkler / Lonestar Blossom
3rd - Miranda Iager / Four Acres Mattie Mae
4th - Jared Thomas / Kippy
5th - Morgan Murray / Heaven Sent Sampson
6th - Julie Thomas / Hawkeye


Class #39 Adult Field Jump

1st - Toby Gibbon / Amos
2nd - Rachel Troppman / Josie
3rd - Lexi Winkler / Red Rooster
4th - Clint Thomas / Dolly


Class #40 Youth Trail Class

1st - Morgan Murray / Heaven Sent Sampson
T - 2nd - Miranda Iager/Four Acres Mattie MaeJared Thomas/Kippy
T - 2nd - Carsyn Frey / Can Can
4th - Madison Iager / Gato Geta Blue
5th - Cecilia Winkler / Lone Star Blossom
6th - Julie Thomas / Hawkeye


Class #41 Adult Trail Class

1st - John Paul Harrison / Jake Too
2nd - Holly Frey / CanCan
3rd - Jolene Hall / Joe
T-4th - Rachel Troppman / Josie
T-4th - Toby Gibbon / Amos
T-6th - Clint Thomas / Dolly
T-6th - Rob South / 


Mule Pull

1st - Ken Napier / Gus and Clyde
2nd - Bobby Johnson / Madison and Miranda
3rd - Tina Hayes / Penny and Lenny
4th - Frank Flemming / Jake and Jim
5th - Katherine / Whitey and Queen
6th - Clint Thomas / Ike and Dan

Elisha Harrison Iager

John Paul Harrison


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